The Faithful Father and The Doors…

Amore’ (Daughter): What a journey! Seriously… that’s what it’s been. There have been so many twists and turns and yet… here I am. When I look back now, of course, I see A LOT more of things. I also see God in every step. I didn’t see it at the time but God was definitelyContinue reading “The Faithful Father and The Doors…”


AMORE’ (Daughter): Emptiness. This word carries so much weight even though the very definition means nothing. How does that even work? A lot of events in our lives can cause this feeling. For me, it definitely started after my dad left. As I got older, my feelings for my dad changed all the time. IContinue reading “Emptiness”

Assortment – Second Blog Post

AMORE’ (Daughter): When I think back to the time after my life was completely changed, I can’t really pinpoint all the emotions that I was feeling. I guess I would call it an assortment. I was mad, sad, confused, and even lonely. What most may not know, is that there was a time after weContinue reading “Assortment – Second Blog Post”